Integrating and Relaunching the New “Me”

2023 has been quite the trip for me… What a wild time to be your own boss, navigating the stewardship of an unwitting brand identity. Despite a lot of noise I’ve been hearing about new platforms, ever narrower niches, AI-generated content, beating the algorithm, and tech automation, I feel like I’m moving in a different direction — choosing to be more human.

I am choosing to be more limited, more local, more present in my 3D reality. And in the wider world beyond, I am choosing to be un-niche-able, multifaceted, inspired, erratic, and in a never-ending process of identity death and creative emergence.

I share insights into the nature of reality and profound views on the intersection of modern life and spirituality. I also post random photos of my cat, my morning coffee, and beach sunsets. Somehow I have this stubborn aversion to becoming a consistently color-curated patchwork scroll of perfectly branded memes.

Integrating Me

In 2023, I began to replant myself in the compost of the last few years, and what happened is… integration. All the pieces of me that I used to offer as separate things, in separate places, for separate audiences, have started to blend together. As my internal boundaries blur, it all becomes part of what is now unapologetically me.

I am no longer hiding my spreadsheet-driven corporate past from my hippie friends. And I am no longer keeping the deep spiritual work I have done, apart from real-world change-making. It’s all part of the same offering that is me. New me. Not finished, by far. But rebooting.

There’s no more need to compartmentalize. I can be all of me, everywhere. I realize that I have three super strong, well-developed pillars that support all of my coaching work with conscious business leaders, entrepreneurs and creators. These tools all support the same frame.

You will see this integration reflected in my newly relaunched website,

My Wells of Wisdom

Enneagram Self-Inquiry. My two decades studying the wisdom of the Enneagram gives me perspective on unique ego personality patterns and the energy signatures that they belie underneath. I can help you see your soul blueprint — to understand what you’re here to learn and what you’re here to serve. This ongoing practice of self-inquiry helps free your essence gifts from the shackles of conditioning, so you can reap the benefits of the lessons designed for you and experience less suffering.

Regenerative Purpose. I have developed my own revolutionary framework for engaging in co-creative conversation with Life. It helps you navigate your purpose path with aliveness and alignment as your north star. This model is a map for unleashing the free movement of life force energy, so you can manifest divine will, using the vehicle of your human mind-body. It is way of aligning our limited time here in a way that is life-giving, honoring the interdependence of everything in existence.

Conscious Business Design. As a former management consultant, I have tons of valuable tools to apply to conscious business design. This is all about bringing your highest vision and core values into the process of business building. I can guide you in intentional design of real-world business solutions, practices and processes. We set boundaries and containers — the structural guardians that keep you steady in the waves of global turmoil, fear and scarcity brainwashing. By engaging in exchange that is generative, not extractive, we embody new paradigm leadership.

Purpose Coaching, Simplified

Practically speaking, what this means is that I am relaunching my coaching practice, with greater simplicity. You don’t need to choose between these offerings. Your one-on-one coaching sessions with me can include any or all of these elements. Depending on your specific needs, we will draw from these wells of wisdom selectively.

This month, I am offering a promotion price for new coaching clients: $88 USD for a single session (50% off of my usual rate for coaching). For former and existing clients, single sessions are now only $175 USD, with deeper discounts when you book a package of 3 or 6 sessions.

If you are a new client, you can reserve and pay for your first session here, and then select a convenient time for scheduling.

Personal Retreat Concierge

What else is happening? As you probably know, I have been spending much of my time in Thailand, for many years now. When the pandemic slowed down my nomadic wandering, I decided to root down in Koh Phangan, Thailand, as my chosen home, long-term.

Since I know some of you may be looking for a holistic wellness retreat, I want to invite you to come visit me in the beautiful, and extremely growth-provoking place where I’ve been living. To facilitate this, I have created a new service offering as a personal retreat concierge.

This is perfect for you if you feel like you need a break from the daily grind to press the reset button on life. If you are like me, you probably want to have plenty of freedom and flexibility during your time off, so a structured group retreat feels too restricting. Yet you want to do more than just lie in a hammock and sip fruity drinks on the beach.

The island in southern Thailand where I live has a vibrant conscious community. Many evolution-oriented Thai and foreigners live, thrive and visit regularly. It is a global mecca for holistic wellness, detox, healing, yoga, tantra, meditation, self-development and alternative therapies of all kinds, many you have probably never heard of before.

I can help design a custom self-retreat experience on Koh Phangan based on your unique interests and needs, connecting you with practitioners and providers of a wide variety of private sessions and experiences. My years of living here and my intimate knowledge of the community and offerings will give you access to things that you would never find on your own if you stayed only a few weeks. I am uniquely qualified to help you make the most of your time and money.

This is a highly personalized and high-touch service that will be only be available for a small number of people who are looking to go deep. The cost depends on the length of the personal retreat that you want support in designing. Please email me at to request more detailed information on this offering.

My Writing Channel

Writing is sacred purpose work for me. I regularly write and publish essays on integrated spirituality – to inspire awakened participation in world building. Currently on Substack, I have a couple thousand readers. If you want to receive my free writing posts directly to your inbox twice monthly, you can check out the archive and subscribe to future posts here.

My most recent post was about how digestion relates to purpose flow. And the next article that is coming up is about how we develop inner security – and why I think this is critical for building a new healthier economy.


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