Join the Purpose revolution

Calling all New Earth leaders, pioneers, creators, visionaries…

It’s easy to speak hopefully about grand visions of an idealized future for humanity. But actually grounding our values into physical reality, and manifesting spiritual wisdom into material form… that is an entirely different thing to real-ize.

My deepest desire is to help create heaven on Earth through enlightened ecosystems of exchange, which are both life-giving and life-affirming. My offering is Regenerative Purpose: a practice of awakened living.

The reality I dream/weave — with and for humanity — is a sustainable, Self-sourced existence where we embody our divinity, reclaim our birthright of creative capacity, honor our interdependence, and contribute our unique gifts with joy and ease.

I work with New Earth leaders for whom spirituality is more than just philosophy… to real-ize this dream in real-life. I am here to support us in accessing higher truth and integrating that into Earthly creation.

If this speaks to you, I hope you will join me in purpose-full participation as we realize divine design in our everyday experience, one choice at a time.


Read more about my personal journey >>>






Introducing Regenerative Purpose by Wendy May

Watch this one-minute video trailer >>>

Purpose is… be-cause we are

awakening, participating, and creating

As a purpose coach, I combine several complementary wells of wisdom to water your ongoing evolution. They include a map for guiding inquiry into the nature of Self, a unique process to dynamically orient in the world, and grounded methods for building a business from the vantage point of higher consciousness.

Learn more about Enneagram Self-Inquiry, Regenerative Purpose, and Conscious Business Design as the pillars of my coaching.


“Living in the flow of purpose is your birthright to enjoy and it is also your soul’s blessing to everyone and everything.”

— Wendy May

  • Higher perspective and practices for navigating your place in the world, empowering engaged participation
  • Wisdom map for growing inner freedom; supporting self-curious awakening and gift expression
Ecosystem Design
  • Architecture for values-based purpose enterprises, stewarding your creative contribution in relationship

Enneagram Inquiry

My two decades of studying the wisdom of the Enneagram enables me to share a higher perspective on the structure of archetypal ego personality patterns and see through them to recognize the energy signatures that lie underneath. I can help you see your soul blueprint — what you’re here to learn and what you’re here to serve. We use this map of self-inquiry to free your essence gifts from the shackles of conditioning, so you can reap the benefits of your life lessons and experience less suffering.

Regenerative Purpose

I developed my own revolutionary framework for engaging in a dynamic, co-creative conversation with Life. Cultivating the qualities of Regenerative Purpose helps us navigate the purpose path with aliveness and alignment as our north star. This new paradigm approach to purpose work unleashes the movement of life force energy, so we can manifest divine will using the vehicle of the human mind-body. It supports us to use our limited time here in a way that is life-giving, honoring the interdependence of everything.

Ecosystem Design

As a former management consultant, I have tons of valuable tools for conscious business design. This is about materializing your highest vision and core values in the process of business building. I can guide you in the intentional architecture of real-world business practices and processes that foster exchange that is generative, not extractive. We set boundaries and containers as energy guardians, which steady your leader-ship among in the waves of global turmoil, fear and scarcity brainwashing.


Meeting with Wendy was like consulting with the spirit of a brilliant, kind, grandmother with her eyes on the vastness of the universe.

– Jonathan K.


In my very first session with Wendy, she was able to see clear patterns in my way of relating with myself that hold me back in my work.


– Jordyn R.



Wendy’s diamond cutting wisdom is powerfully potent and relevant in these times of us reshaping society, the economy, the world.


– Ping M.

The energy that Wendy creates is noticeably clean, powerful, positive, focused, engaging, nourishing… it’s great!

– Michael L.


As someone who connects easily to the esoteric, Wendy helped me see how powerful it is to consider the tangible with devotion and care.


– Nate Q.

Read or Listen to the Award-Winning Book

Regenerative Purpose brings a massive paradigm shift to the way we relate with purpose – as dynamic, ongoing, and co-creative. The book has won multiple independent book publishing awards since it was first released in 2019.

Learn more about Regenerative Purpose >>>

“What lights me up is playing my part in our collective return to a natural state of aliveness and alignment. If you are here now, then you are part of the transition team.

We are expanding into higher level consciousness, and participating in the creation of a whole new purpose-full reality.”

— Wendy May

Writing is sacred purpose work for me. I regularly write and publish essays on integrated spirituality – to inspire awakened participation in world building. To receive my free posts directly to your inbox,

subscribe to my writing channel here. >>>


I want us all to be abundantly supported in sharing our highest gifts to humanity. If you appreciate my writing, please share my posts and/or become a paid subscriber. This helps me radiate love through my offering of words while being nourished financially.